Sunday, March 3, 2019

Constructing an Elasmobranch Dichotomous Key

This is my attempt at a dichotomous key for sharks, rays and skates.

1. Is the body Fusiform or Depressed?

a. if depressed--------->2

b. if fusiform------------>5

2. Are the pectoral fins attached to the head?

a. yes ----------------->3

b. no-------------------> Order Squatiniformes (Angel Sharks)

3. More than one dorsal fin?

a. yes------------------>4

b. no------------------->Order Myliobatiformes (Manta and Sting Rays)

4. Produces electricity?

a. yes------------------>Order Torpediniformes (Electric Rays)

b. no------------------->Order Rajiformes (skates)

5. Number of gill slits

a. more than five------->Order Hexanchiformes (Frilled, Six Gill and Seven Gill Sharks)

b. five----------------->6

6. Eye position

a. in front of mouth---->7

b. behind the mouth----->Order Orectolobiformes (Carpet Sharks)

7. Anal fin?

a. no------------------->8

b. yes------------------->9

8. Does it have ventral gill slits and a dramatically elongated snout that resembles a saw blade?

a. yes------------------>Order Pristiformes (Sawfish)

b. no------------------->Order Squaliformes (Dogfish and Cookie Cutter Sharks)

9. Does it have different types of teeth in the front and back of its jaw?

a. yes------------------>Order Heterodontiformes (Horned Sharks)

b. no------------------->10

10. Do its eyes have nictitating membranes?

a. yes----------------->Order Charcariformes (Tiger, Bull, and Hammerhead Sharks)

b. no------------------>Order Lamniformes (Sand Tiger, Thresher, Megamouth, Basking, Mako, Goblin and Great White Sharks)

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