Monday, January 14, 2019

Cuttlefish: Kings of Camouflage Worksheet

My handwritng is bad, so i am going to type this up.

1. Cuttlefish are related to slugs, both of which are in the phylum Mollusca.
2. Cuttlefish are found off the coasts of Europe and Australia.
3. Cuttlefish can change their texture and color pattern.
4. The Broad Club Cuttlefish can either sneak up on its prey disguised as a coral, or it can use a dazzling pattern, which seems to stun their prey.
5. Yellow, Red, and Brown.
6. Blue, Green, Red, and Pink.
7. Muscles open the chromatophores, showing more color. When the muscles let go, the chromatophore shrinks and less color shows.
8. W-shaped.
9. Conditioning. At first, the cuttlefish ignored the toy. Once the toy was associated with food (by consistently providing food shortly after putting it in the tank), it became extremely important to the cuttlefish, even when they stopped giving the food along with it.
10. The males outnumber the females approximately 10 to 1, and the females are extremely selective.
11. A sneaker male cuttlefish is a smaller male, that acts like a female to sneak past the bigger, stronger male, so that they can mate with the females.
12. They join their 8 arms facing head to head, and the male reaches out with a specialized arm and gives the female a sperm packet, which she stores under her arms. She mates with several males, and then chooses which sperm package to use.
13. Sneakers, because they are showing intelligence. About 70% of matings are rejected, but only 30% of sneaker males are rejected.
14. Crevasses on the undersides of rocks.
15. Mating.
16. Because they have given up their body armor over the course of evolution, and therefore need to be intelligent to outwit predators and survive.
17.First, they have a vestigial cuttlebone, which means they walk on the seafloor most of the time, unlike other cuttlefish. Second, they are the only known poisonous species of cuttlefish.
18. As a warning to potential predators that it is highly poisonous.
19. They squirt acid from the tip of their tail to squirt acid through the eggshell.
20. The flesh and muscle.

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