Monday, October 8, 2018

Marine Biology Homework: Plankton Project

My homework this week was to do a project on plankton.  I had to select 5 phytoplankton and 5 zooplankton and give the domain and kingdom each is classified under, and for the zooplankton, note whether the organism is holoplankton (remains plankton for its entire life) or meroplankton (is plankton for only part (the larval stage) of its life cycle.)

Here are the phytoplankton:

First, we have an organism called Stephanopyxis palmeriana, a Chain Forming Centric Diatom.  It is in the Domain Eukaryota, and Kingdom Chromista.

Next, we have Ceratium fusus, Ceratium tripos and Ceratium macroceros, which are Dinoflagellates, in Domain Eukaryota and Kingdom Protista:

These are Scyphosphaera apsteinii, which are Coccolithophores.  They are in Domain Eukaryota and Kingdom Protista:

This is Eucampia zodiacus.  It is a Chain Forming Centric Diatom (which forms spirals) and is in Domain Eukarota, Kingdom Protista:

This is a Centric Diatom, Rhizosolenia robusta.  It is in Domain Eukaryota, Kingdom Protista:

This is Pleurosigma sp., a Pennate Diatom, from Domain Eukaryota, Kingdom Protista.

The following organisms are zooplankton.

First, we have a Paddleworm, Tomopteris helgoandica, which is holoplankton from Domain Eukaryota, Kingdom Animalia:

Next we have Ophiothrix fragilis, the Common Brittlestar, which is meroplankton.  It is in Domain Eukaryota, Kingdom Animalia.

This is the Porcelain Crab, Pisida longicornis.  It is in Domain Eukayota, Kingdom Animalia.

This is the Sea Angel, Clione limacina.  It is holoplankton in Domain Eukaryota, Kingdom Animalia.

This is Acartia Clausi, a type of Copepod.  It is holoplankton in Domain Eukaryota, Kingdom Animalia.

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